how far along?: 18 weeks
how much have you gained?: well, i initially lost 12 lbs from being so sick, i've gained 5lbs back.
any cravings?: nothing that i am DYING to have, but i love to eat lemons and limes!
aversions?: pretty much all smells (good and bad), like laundry detergent, deodorant, dish soap, body wash, and garlic.
baby wiggles?: yes, i started to feel her wiggle around week 17 and it's the coolest feeling. they are very light flutters still, but even mckay was able to feel them once or twice!
baby wiggles?: yes, i started to feel her wiggle around week 17 and it's the coolest feeling. they are very light flutters still, but even mckay was able to feel them once or twice!
thoughts?: my emotions are running wild already, almost everything makes me want to cry, which is unusual for me. unfortunately, i am not usually a very sensitive person. guilty. i'm also getting verrrry nervous for birth. i can't seem to stop asking my mom questions or reading birth stories on other people's blogs. i am scared to death of all that birth entails; except the outcome, that part i can't wait for.
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